
11 Apr 2018

Using {OpenGrok to boost up source code reading

Reading XNU kernel source(BSD portion) is one of my mainly job when I developing a generic kernel extension(in Apple’s words)

Apple’s source browser mainly generated by GNU enscript for highlighting, yet it doesn’t support cross reference

It’s painful when you want to cross reference a function, say, its definition, usage, etc.

As I investigated through later, I found a guy setup a XNU kernel cross reference site based on OpenGrok

It really unleashed source code reading, which eventually make my life easier :-)

P.S. Apple is ruining the good reputation over BSD documentations, it makes the BSD portion obscured, so you have to read the source code.


Inspired by antekone’s cross-reference search site, I finally decided I should setup one such by my own for source reading and learning.

Out of source reading purpose and maximum simplicity, I decided to use FreeBSD as the backend server.

.: the following configration is based on FreeBSD, other BSD variants follow the similar manner.

If you prepare to use Linux/Solaris, please move your step to OpenGrok wiki.


Once you logged in you FreeBSD server(taking 11.1 as example), you may change your default shell(which is /bin/sh) to bash

# pkg update
# pkg upgrade

# pkg install bash bash-completion

# chsh -s $(which bash)

And change current user(root) shell to bash, and then reloggin your server.


Install basic dependencies

[root@bsd ~]# pkg install ctags tomcat8 zip unzip

Config and run tomcat

Change HTTP server port to 80 in /usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.0/conf/server.xml

--- server.xml.orig	2018-04-12 12:33:40.450709000 +0000
+++ server.xml	2018-04-12 12:33:58.002425000 +0000
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
          APR (HTTP/AJP) Connector: /docs/apr.html
          Define a non-SSL/TLS HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080
-    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
+    <Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
                redirectPort="8443" />
     <!-- A "Connector" using the shared thread pool-->
# Oneshot start
[root@bsd ~]# service tomcat8 onestart

# Or -- persistent service  see: init(8)
[root@bsd ~]# echo 'tomcat8_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
[root@bsd ~]# service tomcat8 start

You may open with your server IP) to check if tomcat is running.


Download {OpenGrok

Generally, you should download the latest stable OpenGrok release

[root@bsd ~]# cd /var
[root@bsd /var]# fetch https://github.com/oracle/opengrok/releases/download/1.1-rc22/opengrok-1.1-rc22.tar.gz
[root@bsd /var]# tar xf opengrok-1.1-rc22.tar.gz
[root@bsd /var]# mv opengrok-1.1-rc22 opengrok
[root@bsd /var]# rm opengrok-1.1-rc22.tar.gz


Configurate {OpenGrok

[root@bsd /var/opengrok]# mkdir -p etc src data web/source

Apply the following patch over /var/opengrok/bin/OpenGrok

--- OpenGrok.orig	2018-04-11 14:44:10.165926000 +0000
+++ OpenGrok	2018-04-11 14:46:41.236225000 +0000
@@ -566,6 +566,7 @@
                javaHome=`dirname $javaHome`
+        FreeBSD:*) javaHome="/usr/local/openjdk8" ;;
     if [ -z "${javaHome}" ]


Extract default web application package

[root@bsd /var/opengrok]# cp lib/source.war web/
[root@bsd /var/opengrok/web]# unzip source.war -d source

Apply the following patch for /var/opengrok/web/source/WEB-INF/web.xml

--- web.xml.orig	2018-04-11 15:13:22.680422000 +0000
+++ web.xml	2018-04-11 15:19:09.897436000 +0000
@@ -12,6 +12,19 @@
+    <context-param>
+        <description>Source Directory containing all repositories</description>
+        <param-name>SRC_ROOT</param-name>
+        <param-value>/var/opengrok/src</param-value>
+    </context-param>
+    <context-param>
+        <description>Data Directory for OpenGrok</description>
+        <param-name>DATA_ROOT</param-name>
+        <param-value>/var/opengrok/data</param-value>
+    </context-param>

Repackage the web application and deploy to tomcat

[root@bsd /var/opengrok/web]# zip -r source.war source/*
[root@bsd /var/opengrok/web]# cp source.war /usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.0/webapps


Source code indexing

As we configurated in web.xml, SRC_ROOT contains all source repositories.

We put all source code into that directory, repository per directory.

Taking libev as an example, I’ll illustrate how to indexing it.

[root@bsd /var/opengrok/src]# fetch http://dist.schmorp.de/libev/libev-4.24.tar.gz
[root@bsd /var/opengrok/src]# tar xf libev-4.24.tar.gz
# The indexing may take minutes or even hours to go -- be patient
[root@bsd /var/opengrok/bin]# ./OpenGrok index

When indexing finished, free free to visit with your server IP)



  • Indexing multiple versions of a OSS, it usually a good idea to index initial, stable, latest versions.

  • Deploy an annotated version for learning, for example, libev-4.24-comment

  • /usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.0/webapps/ROOT contains the default pages, change to yours

  • As I tested, Firefox is outperform Chrome for viewing large files.

# Change your time zone
[root@bsd ~]# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime
# Put the indexing to background if the project is far too large
[root@bsd /var/opengrok/bin]# nohup ./OpenGrok index &
# Setup persistent swap  see: https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/adding-swap-space.html

[root@bsd]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/swap0 bs=1m count=512
[root@bsd]# chmod 0600 /swap0
[root@bsd]# echo "md99	none	swap	sw,file=/swap0,late	0	0" >> /etc/fstab
[root@bsd]# swapon -aL
[root@bsd]# swapinfo    # Show swap info
  • Instead of extract tarballs, you can use SCM software like git, cvs, svn to clone repositories. Which enable history/annotate features.

Here is a live OpenGrok cross reference research site FYI

Happy groking! :-D



Super User’s BSD Cross Reference

antekone’s cross-reference search site (XNU kernel)


wiki:marduk:opengrok [BSDForen.de Wiki]

OpenGrok use cases

How to install OpenGrok

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